Thursday, October 4, 2007

Cutting 100 Calories

Extension agent in Polk County, North Carolina agent describes way to cut 100 calories. I have used many of these techniques. They work. What this technique also does is make you more conscious of serving sizes and what you are eating.

Moderately change your eating habits. I like this approach because it takes little effort and just a little restraint.
  • Avoid supersized portions.
  • Use smaller bowls and plates. I do this at home. I use a luncheon plate for dinner. It helps me not put so much food on my plate.
  • Cut in half the 2-cup portion of pasta. Use only 1 cup, saving 160 calories. This tip is hard because I love pasta. However, measuring pasta out into 1 cup (or even 1/2 cup) portions helps give you a sense of how much you are eating.
  • Cut the number of slices of pizza. Choose 2 slices, instead of 3. At home, I put only one slice of pizza on my plate. Then will go back for the 2nd slice, after I finish the 1st. Sometimes, after finishing the 1st slice, I will see if the kids did not finish theirs and I will finish theirs, and not get the 2nd slice. Eating 1 less slice will save 140 calories (or more).
  • Skip the potato chips that are part of the combination lunch. Saving more than 100 calories.
  • Eat carrot or celery sticks or fruit instead of potato chips saving at least 100 calories, while increasing nutrition and avoid extra empty calories.
  • Eat regular ice cream, instead of gourmet, high fat ice creams, saving 70-340 calories per cup. Save even more by eating low-fat, frozen yogurt, or sorbet. Check the nutrition facts label and compare products for calorie and fat content.
  • Switch to water or unsweetened beverages in place of sodas and sweet tea. By cutting out sugar drinks you save up to 150 calories per 12-oz. serving.
  • Measure a serving of chips or other snacks, instead of eating from the bag. Again, this technique helps you understand portion.
  • Don't taste or snack while cooking.

Those are the tips from the Polk County Extension agent. My other tips include:

  • Eat slowly by putting your fork down between bites.
  • Order a side salad, instead of fries or baked potatoes.
  • Order salad dressing on the side.
  • Use a teaspoon to spread the dressing so you know the portion of dressing you are eating.
  • Ask for a "to-go" box and place a portion of your dinner in the box before you begin to eat.
  • Drink a glass of water before you begin eating your meal.

I am sure there are others. What tips do you want to share?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the era of the 64-oz. soda, the 1,200-calorie burger, food companies now produce enough each day for every American to consume 3,800 calories per day as compared to the 2,350 needed for survival. Not only adults but kids are also consuming far more calories than they can possibly use.