Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why workout?

Research gives us lots of reasons to work out. The important reasons are the ones that are meaningful to you.

The mother of my son's friend came by to pick up her son. She looked absolutely great. I told her so.

She smiled and said she had started working out at a local gym (a national chain) and jogging in the mornings. If you want reason to work out, she is a testament.

1. She looks great. Who does not want to look great? Though it may seem vain, I like it when people I know noticed the change in my physique after I lost weight and started exercising. I don't know anyone who would does not like looking healthy--looking good. We all like to feel good about ourselves. We like it when they know other people notice.

What makes her look great is not only her slimming body, but her stature--the way she holds her shoulders-standing tall, beautiful, and confident. Mind you she does not look skeleton-like, but healthy, glowing.

2. She said she also feels great. She has more energy. She feels good about herself. Who does not want to feel great? We can do so much when we feel good, when we have energy.

Working out is hard work, but the benefits can be great. My friend found the benefits worth the work. She wants to continue working out. She wants to try body pump--a combination of weight training and cardio.

It seems staying with the workout will take some persistence on her part. I hope that she continues to find encouragement and alternatives to keep her workouts interesting.

The cooler weather makes it harder to continue the jogging outside. Boredom is a possibility. She wants her husband to go jogging or walking with her.

I encouraged her to try the bodypump class. It does not require the dance moves that an aerobic dance class may require. The bodypump class gives a great way to get weight lifting and cardio in an efficient. Learn the moves and the proper way to lift, then add more weight. I personally think that women make a huge mistake by not lifting enough. Weight lifting (properly) is a great way to get the body in shape, give better posture, and provide muscles that make the cardio easier.

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