Friday, December 28, 2007

A walk--instead of a jog

Today, I decided to take my time and walk the 5.8 mile route. I jogged 5 miles on Monday, 5.5 miles on Tuesday, and 3 + miles on Thursday. Because I had jogged more than normal this week, I was a little worried that the amount of constant jogging might affect my knees.

The weather was very nice --it felt more like an April day, not a December day. The walk went well. I really had the chance to think, but it did get boring. Around the 4 mile mark my legs begin to tighten up a little. I also got tired. I found that interesting, but I think the tiredness came a little from the boredom and a little from being hungry.

One reason I walked the entire route is that I wanted to expend the calories. Generally, a mile walked and a mile jogged equal the same amount of calories spent. The jogging makes the mile go faster and raises the heart rate which has other benefits. So, walking the 5.8 miles took me much longer than jogging it.

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