Friday, February 1, 2008

The day after Lasik

I can see. I can see. I can see!

I see almost 20/20. Though I am told not everyone can see this good this fast, the surgery has definitely worked well for me.

The only drawback at the moment is that my vision is still a little cloudy, particularly in my right eye. If I were wearing my contacts I would take the right one out and clean it.

It hasn't sunk into my head or my routine that this vision is my contacts, no glasses.

As part of the complete package of the surgery, 1 day, 1 week, and other checkups are included. Fortunately, I am able to see Dr. Fields for the checkups. Dr. Steve Fields has been my eye doctor for years and years. He has solved some problems with my contacts that other doctors could not solve. I trust his professional knowledge and expertise. He was the one who recommended Dr. John Swann with Montgomery Eye Physicians.

The advantages seeing Dr Fields, instead of Dr. Swann, for the checkups are:
1. his office is nearby--only minutes from my house.
2. seeing him is like having a built in second opinion.

Today was my 1st day check up after the surgery.

All went well. He explained that the cloudiness would eventually go away and that my vision was very good for being only one day after the surgery. He told me to follow regiment of eye drops given to me. (I was going to that anyway.)

Dr. Fields also told me was that for the next year or so, I will not need reading glasses, though I had been wearing them with my contacts. I knew the surgery did not correct my near vision, so I am really excited about prolonging the use of reading glasses.

He also told me no jarring, lifting heavy objects, and sweating for 1 week. In other words, no running, no weight lifting.

All is well with my surgery and I am looking forward to more improvements.

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