Saturday, January 5, 2008

Positive Thinking

A friend of mine Mitch Owen talks often about thinking positives during times of stress and disasters. He has found Alex Pattakos' book, Prisoners of Our Thoughts guide these thoughts.

I decided to start a positive list. On a regular basis, I will list positives as they happen. By practicing listing the positives during non stressful times, I will become better at thinking of the positives during the stressful times.

1) Today, we have a marvelously fun time talking among my husband's family today during our Christmas gathering.

2) In emails referring to three different meetings.

...your presentation was informative and very helpful, as always. If only the rest had been as upbeat and helpful!

Your meeting with Charles and me was inspiring, to say the least. ... I really would like for us to start working on some of your creative ideas.

This is a great idea (from 4 individuals).

I would not use the adjectives, upbeat, inspiring or creative to describe myself. Nevertheless, I am very much appreciative of these emails and they serve as encouragement to keep working on these "new areas".

3) My youngest helped me for hours yesterday, preparing food for today's family gathering. It was great to see her endurance and great fun to be with her.

4) My oldest and I had a "conversation" yesterday that we needed to.

5) I was reminded as long as I am doing the right thing, then I can't worry about things that go on around me.

6) My husband's family in 2007 had 4 decade birthday's: 80, 60, 50, 40. So very grateful that they all came to our house today.

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